Monday, April 20, 2015

ABC Laboratories and University of Missouri - Future of internships

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Academia and Industry have always had appreciation and apprehension regarding their respective domains.   Academia- long noted and respected as institutions for higher learning and the pure study and advancement of the discipline and

Industry- well....., in it for a buck and the driving force of return on investment.    Also if we are keeping score, the fundamental engine of any advanced society.

I think anyone would agree that each are a very important and arguably the foundation for the success of many academic institutions and industries alike.    However, it is the very nature of these two entities to be very different in their ambitions and goals, while at the very core of their existence, are heavily reliant on each other for their ongoing success and achievement.    Without Universities driving the very edge of research would there be such advancements in Industry?  Conversely, without Industry's contribution to the advancement of the world's economic engine, would  higher learning institutions attract today's students from which parents pay tuition and taxes that are largely derived from Industry?   

Well that reference may stir up strong feelings depending on one's view. But it is without doubt that the two rely heavily on each other.    So why does Industry struggle to find the talent it needs to develop the next generation of leaders and higher learning institutions struggle to attract more Industry attention in support for developing the next professional work force?    Can the two work together to address this opportunity for the future?

Well maybe we have an example of the future in Columbia, MO. where the University of Missouri's Dr. Chris Lee (Biochemistry) and leaders from ABC Laboratories' technical and human resources group have collaborated to do more than create routine summer internships.   The innovation needed to do something more has resulted in a unique fledgling internship program that has sparked interest from Industry and Academia alike.    A program that has brought Industry into the classroom and Academia into the Corporate hallways well beyond the stereotypes of gaining goodwill, charity and a few good PR opportunities.   The result?   

- Highly motivated biochemistry undergraduates that have had a real glimpse at what Industry may have to offer.    An opportunity to realize what their passion and talent may actually mean in the future with Industry.   

Industry -  is reminded that it has to invest today to expect the return in the future.   That investment has to be focused and honed with a desire to realize that this may not be a quick hit but a long term investment.

Academia - the realization that their clients (students) have to be guided and provided real world examples of opportunities to accelerate their careers.  Students given the chance to take what they have learned and apply their skills is the ultimate mark of success for our great learning look forward, to look to the next generation, to keep Industry fueled with the innovative talents that we come to expect for our way of life.

Maybe the University of Missouri and ABC Laboratories are onto something.  Only time will tell if the return on investment has paid off.  But the early indicators are that the initial investment is worth a second and possibly a more critical look into the future of Academia and Industry working closer together to support one another.     Who would have thought that an internship program may be the genesis of something bigger than the sum of its parts?    

For more information about the University of Missouri's and ABC Laboratories internship program in biochemistry, click on the following links:

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